A-050b – Prophecy Packet
1317 - DVD - Thoughts Outside the Box
1101 - DVD - The "gods" part 1
DVD's of A-006 - The Greatest Love Story Never Told 4 DVD's
DVD 435 - Biblical and Historical Thoughts on Thanksgiving by Pastor Peters
173 - Give Us the Spirit of Our Forefathers
1308 - DVD - Loosing and Binding: Will it Work? Stomping satan Part 16
1307 - DVD - Lions of Judah Shepherding with the Sword Stomping satan Part 15
1302 - DVD - Day of the Lord Signs
1296 - DVD - A Certain Piece of Knowledge satan Doesn't Want You to Know Stomping satan Part 10
1291 - DVD - To Hell with satan's High Holy Day: Halloween Stomping satan Part 5
1280 - DVD - Sorcery Stories
1269 - DVD - What I've Learned About the Spell
1268 - DVD - World Perspectives in Light of Kingdom Parables
1264 - DVD - A Truth for Stragglers, Strays, and Stubborns
1263 - DVD - Social Evils and the Book of Proverbs
1262 - DVD - Some Schemes of the Devil...Easter Sunday
1252 - DVD - Get Into the House
1225 - DVD - Confess What You Are in Christ
1224 - DVD - Woe to You, Scribes, Pharisees and Hypocrites
1222 - DVD - A Band of Evildoers
1221 - DVD - Dog Power of the Dark Side
1220 - DVD - The Power of the Dirty Dogs
1219 - DVD - Preacher Minds and Bloodlines (Deception Series Pt. 8)