V-403 - Roots
PKG-1 - Preachers or Pimps Packet
M-9 God Save America Again Music DVD
D6/3/07 - The Anglo-Israel Truth
M-12-2 - DC Street Sorcery Exposed DVD
The SFA Information Packet
12/10/06 - The Creation of a Nation - by E. Raymond Capt
1092 - DVD - Alien Creatures Part 2 Getting Used to the Concept
2048 - Our Defense Against Evil
572 - DVD - What Time is It?
M-12 - DC Street Sorcery DVD
1287 - DVD - Prophesied Alien Invasion Stomping satan Part 1
442 - DVD -What is Truth? - Part 2
441 - DVD - What is Truth? - Part 1
224 - DVD - Nitty-Gritty of Tithing
199 - DVD - Preachers or Pimps
D4/1/07 - Enter the Passover Door
D4/2/06 - Passover Church Services at the LaPorte Church of Christ
1261 - DVD - The Answer to the Question Nobody is Asking...but Will
1212 - DVD - Christians Who Are Offended by Jesus
TFT-010 - Truth for the Times ~ Gun Control Part 1
D9/23/07 - Baptism Truths of the Great Commission
D11/26/06 - Finding the Lost Sheep