PS-035 - A Simple Shibboleth
PS-035 - A Simple Shibboleth by Peter J. Peters It's time. It's time for the Shibboleth in the war that is raging to be used. You might say, well what is the Shibboleth, Pastor Peters? I'm glad you asked. The Shibboleth is something in the Bible that, if you use it in your life, it will save your life, and the life of your loved ones. I'm talking about not just life now, but the eternal life that will be there if you use the Shibboleth. The title of this booklet is "Serpent Sons of Hell and a Simple Shibboleth." And you say, "What are Serpent Sons of Hell?" Serpent sons of hell are those two-legged creatures that Jesus said exists. In Mark 16:18 Jesus said that we would be able to pick up serpents, and I say to you out there that if you will use the Shibboleth, you will be able to pick up on them. You will be able to weed out these poisonous creatures that the Bible refers to as serpents. But you've go to use the Shibboleth. The Shibboleth will help you to keep them out of the camp, the camp of the saints.