1134 - CD - A Sinful Substance that Seeped into Society
1133 - CD - Sorcery Strength Stealing Secrets of Babylon
1132 - CD - A Message for the Man and His Men (part 7)
1131 - CD - Sorcery.....of sorts (part 6)
1130 - CD - AMERICA -- Don't Think You Can Sin and Get By (part 5)
1129 - CD - The Man and the Prophecy Behind the CA Fires (part 4)
1128 - CD - More on the Most Important Point in the Man of Sin Story (part 3)
1127 - CD - The Significance of the Last Sermon: (part 2) (The Countdown Has Begun)
1126 - CD - Revealing the Man of Sin (part 1) Branson
1124 - CD - Holy Spirit Prophecies and Predictions (Holy Spirit part 7)
1123 - CD - Forgotten Apostolic Principles of Faith part 3
1122 - CD - Forgotten Apostolic Principles of Faith part 2
1121 - CD - Forgotten Apostolic Principles of Faith part 1
1120 - CD - Unlocking the Esoteric Meaning of Luke 11:5-13 (Holy Spirit part 6)
1119 - CD - Holy Spirit Findings (Holy Spirit part 5)
1118 - CD - But By MY Spirit (Holy Spirit part 4)
1117 - CD - The Force Be With You (Holy Spirit part 3)
1116 - CD - Holy-Spirit Sermon Truths for Two Separate Groups (Holy Spirit part 2)
1115 - CD- The Forgotten and/or Ignored Aspect of the Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit part 1)
1114 - CD - Take Cover and Give Cover
1113 - CD - The "gods" part 13
1112 - CD - The "gods" part 12
1111 - CD - The "gods" part 11
1110 - CD - The "gods" part 10