147 - Christmas, Right or Wrong?
146 - Four Stages to Spiritual Truth
143 - A Formula for Effective Prayer
109 - Thanksgiving in America
A-010 - The Law
P2011 - CD - Passover 2011
153 - Identity: What it Is & What it is Not
A-012 - The Last Days
518 - Order in the Home - Part 5
368 - Satanic Seedline by Charles Weisman
302 - Judeo-Christian Ethic - Part 2 by Earl Jones
301 - Judeo-Christian Ethic - Part 1 by Earl Jones
A-014 - Vaccinations
A-002 - Authority: Resistance? or Obedience?
1179 - CD - God Save America Again Sermon
717 - Thanksgiving - The True Story
177 - The Hell You Say
A-022 - Dialectics
A-016 - Words & Power
A-007 - The Unseen War
P2010 - CD - Passover 2010 at The LaPorte Church of Christ
553 - Confess Your Sins, White Man!
457 - The Conspiracy of All Conspiracies
345 - Nationalism or World Order by Earl Jones