The Book of Enoch and The Book of Jubilees SPECIAL
The Book of Enoch, like The Book of Daniel, was written originally in Aramaic and partly in Hebrew. Latin and Greek versions have only, in part, been discovered but the Ethiopic Version has been preserved in twenty-nine manuscripts.
The citations of Enoch by the twelve Patriarchs and by The Book of Jubilees show that at the close of the second century BC and during the first century BC, this book was regarded as inspired. This information is needed again today.
The Book of Jubilees gives a further understanding of the writings found in the books of Genesis and Exodus. This book thoroughly harmonizes with the leading thoughts of the religion of the day in Christ’s time, mainly the importance of the LAW.
Many Biblical narratives are explained and complemented on in various manners in an apologetical spirit, filling in some gaps, if you will.
When seen as a commentary on the Bible story, it is a most interesting work.